
Chile is one of the few countries in South America with administrative, economic, financial, social policies, among others, clearly defined and above all properly applied.
Therefore, it is relatively easy to work in this country, where the rules and regulations are clear.
In this context, the SAG, public entity in charge in particular of the seed production in Chili, and known abroad as a rigorous entity, plays a very important role:

- Facility for import of basic seeds and export of CERTIFIED seeds to any country in the word.
- Field inspection to check the purification and/or emasculation quality to obtain the OECD or AOSCA seed certification. 
- Field inspection to issue certificates of absence of diseases (IDASE).
- Field inspection to check the quality of the sorting, treshing pre-cleaning, and threshing process.
- Field inspection before export to take the official samples and to issue the certificates needed to load the containers before the sea or air shipping.

All these actions are performed following very strict procedures and in the required time.

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