In Chile, as in any country, the Human Capital has become a key element, engine of every activity, in particular, in the seed industry, where this resource has made the difference between one organization and the other.

Today we have 43 regular employees, working in the Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins Region and in the Maule Region, since we now have a branch office in Talca. During the high season, from February to April, we employ up to 450 seasonal workers only in the GreenSeed plant.

Agricola Green Seed constantly concerns with its collaborators and with its working and family environment.

This integrates in particular a training plan revised twice a year. With this, we target on the fulfilling of the Company and workers training objectives, which can be executed during winter or sometimes during the season. Talks have been given on home economy in order to allow some of our employees to have a better quality of life.

In addition, once a year, we have a massive activity, where all of us go on a trip during one week in order to know new places in Chile, such as Chillan, Elqui Valley, or abroad, such as Mendoza, Bariloche. The last trip was to Iquique, on June 2012, where we shared meals, games, artistic shows hosted by members of our staff, etc. These activities allow us to live together in a fraternal environment.

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